Bootstrap vs React – Which is the Right Frontend Framework?

11 mins read
May 11th, 2023
Table of Contents

The user side is the major attraction of any web application. Because this is the medium where your user will interact with your business and explore. And if the user interface is not up to mark, then it is possible that your user will not stay longer on your site. Therefore, it is extremely important to focus on user interfaces while developing an application.

There are a number of frontend technologies available in the web development market, but choosing the right one with the need is such a difficult task when you have so many options around. Therefore, today we have brought a comparison battle between the two best frontend frameworks React js and Bootstrap. Both of them are often debatable topics among many. That’s why we will see the comparison between the two and find the ultimate one.

Before Moving ahead, let’s have a basic overview of React vs Bootstrap, which will help us in further comparisons.

Bootstrap vs React – The Complete Overview

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is an open-source, frontend CSS framework, which is used to create responsive, mobile-first websites. The framework template of Bootstrap is based on CSS. Thanks to Bootstrap, nowadays websites are perfect for all types of browsers and all kinds of screens.

It was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton to standardize the use of the framework by Twitter employees and later in 2011, it was declared as an open-source. That is why today it is also known as Twitter Bootstrap.

This framework helps us to easily modify the styling of any web page, like font style, text color, grid system, etc. This is one of the most popular frameworks because of its extensive features.

Features of Bootstrap

  • It is easy to learn and get started
  • It offers fewer files as well as also includes old CSS
  • Offers platform-independent web pages
  • It designs responsive web pages for mobile too
  • Customization can be done easily
  • Support for readily available templates

Use cases of Bootstrap

  • Social media applications
  • Microblogging applications
  • Video streaming applications
  • Payment applications
  • E-commerce sites
  • Messaging apps
  • Mobile applications or apps
  • Responsive web applications
  • Administrative Dashboards

Popular Apps Built with Bootstrap


This famous chat application has used Bootstrap for its user interfaces to enable interactive features and facilities over desktop applications.

Apple Maps Connect

Apple uses Mapkit JS, for developing interactive maps for multi-platforms. It uses Bootstrap for building its user interface designs.


The online payment processing site uses Bootstrap’s slider for constructing payment forms while checking out, adding cards, and paying bills via cards.


The fashion magazine website uses Vogue for creating responsive website templates and makes the site compatible with all devices. It uses Bootstrap’s 12-grid layout to fit various contents.

What is React?

React js is an open-source Javascript framework or library which is used to build interactive user interfaces. Reactjs allows developers to create reusable components to speed up the process of development. It is the component-based frontend library, which is responsible for making the interactive Views.

React JS can be used with the client-side and server-side as well as with the other frameworks efficiently. The component and data – patterns improve the readability and help in maintaining the larger apps.

Moreover, its ability to allow fast rendering makes it more search friendly. ReactJS is best considered for developing lightweight and complex web applications.

Features of React JS

It used JSX, which is a Javascript syntax extension, that helps you to embed HTML into the JS objects.
Virtual DOM for changing the data, without affecting the entire application
One-way data binding allows the data to flow in unidirectional
The JSX file makes the application code simple and easy to maintain
The Virtual DOM leads to smoother and faster performance

Use Cases of React JS

Web apps
Video streaming websites
Social media platforms
Saas Product development
Mobile applications
Responsive website development
Progressive web apps
Desktop applications

Popular Apps Built with Bootstrap


The largest microblogging and social networking sites use React JS for updating content and improving user experience and creating React-based UI. They have enhanced their front end with React js and made themselves a progressive web application platform.


The popular finance company has used React JS for navigational workflows, bookmarks, and initial rendering of their payment gateway.


One of the biggest social networking sites which connect people uses React js in their Facebook Ads Manager. Moreover, Facebook is built with more than 20,000 React js components


The famous video streaming platform fixed its performance issue with React JS and also reduced the processing time, and offers a smooth user experience.

Bootstrap vs React – Advantages and Disadvantages

Before you select any framework, you should understand all of its peculiarities and drawbacks, then you should make any decision.

Pros of Bootstrap

Easy Initiation

Coding is the worst part for any nontechnical background. But the greatest benefit of Bootstrap is, it makes the coding hassle-free, it handles everything for you. One can easily design the page, with no coding knowledge. Apart from that, You can easily integrate Bootstrap on existing or newer websites.


Bootstrap has all the necessary features, which are needed for creating any web application. It enables you to create responsive user interfaces in various styles and structures which are compatible with multiple platforms.

Highly Customizable

You can find a huge number of templates in Bootstrap. If you don’t find them satisfying, you can customize your own CSS files. Apart from that, if you do not want to build from scratch, then you can easily customize your existing file with CSS.


Offers excellent documentation in each component, and resources are easily available which eliminates the need for coding. The CSS preprocessor and LESS could be used to save time on the custom development process.

Styling Components

Bootstrap provides various styles, templates, plugins, and grid systems, which are available for free and can be customized as per the user’s requirements.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

Every user has different browsers, and that’s why Bootstrap is compatible with the latest version of all browsers and platforms. Cross-browser compatibility is the biggest advantage of using Bootstrap. Its compatibility with Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari makes it more versatile.

Cons of Bootstrap

Learning – Curve

Developers may have to spend more time learning about the class and components in Bootstrap to use it wisely. To work with its grid system, you will need to spend some time experimenting and practicing it.

Websites Look Similar

The major limitation is, the website made with Bootstrap looks similar. For avoiding this similarity, you might require extensive manual customization which could be time-consuming and it will beat the purpose of initially using this framework. Even if you do this, there is no change in the fact to considering that websites built with this are easily recognizable as Bootstrap

Heavy Loading Times

However, it is easy to build responsive websites with Bootstrap, but the end product will be quite heavy for the user in terms of loading time and performance. Also, files generated with Bootsrap are quite heavier and can slow things down for you.

Pros of React JS

Reusable Components

React js provides reusable components which help the developers to reuse them and create new applications. It allows the developers to reuse the components for other applications with the same functionalities. This reduces the development time and increases performance.

Easy to Learn and Use

React JS is easy to learn and use. It has a good source of documentation, and tutorials available on the web.
Anyone from a Javascript background can grip React JS easily within some days.

Constructing Dynamic Web Applications Becomes Easier

Creating Dynamic web applications with HTML strings could be tricky because it needs complex coding, but React JS has solved this issue very well and made the work easier. Because it provides less coding and more functionalities. It enables the use of JSX to embed the HTML code into JS script.

Performance Enhancements

Slower Performance issue has been observed while working with the DOM. To solve this React JS has introduced the Virtual DOM which provided a faster and smoother performance

SEO – Friendly

Traditional Javascript has an issue while dealing with SEO. Because search engines found difficulty in reading JS applications. But React JS has overcome this problem and helped the developers to easily navigate various search engines. This has made the React JS application SEO-friendly. You can even apply React JS SEO practices to enhance the performance of applications.

Also, Read – Essential SEO Tips to Boost Traffic to Your Website

Scope for testing the codes

React js applications are easy to test and debug. It enables the developers to test and debug the codes with the help of native tools.

Cons of React JS

View Part

React JS only focuses on the View Part, thus for developing an entire application, you have to take the help of other tools.

Poor Documentation

This is one of the major cons of React js. The technology updates frequently, therefore there is no time to make proper documentation. Hence developers have to write instructions on their own with the evolving of new releases and tools in their current projects.

High Pace of Development

Since, the framework update continuously, which makes the developer uncomfortable to re-learn new things. It becomes hard for them to adapt to the challenges with continuous updates.

Bootstrap vs React – The In-Depth Comparison

Let’s look at the difference between Bootstrap vs React from different perspectives

In terms of Popularity

What are the market statistics of Bootstrap?

According to the W3Tech Report, Bootstrap is used by 21.7% of all websites whose Javascript library we know.

As of November 22, 3.5 Million people have downloaded Bootstrap for web and application development. On GitHub, it contains 160k stars and 77.5k Forks

It has secured 2nd position in terms of popularity and 14.20% of the market share. Additionally, there are 4,688,247 companies using Bootstrap JS.

What are the market statistics of React JS?

According to the State of the Developer’s Ecosystem, React JS is used by 60% of the users.

As per Stack Overflow, React js tops the list of most loved frameworks and topmost wanted frameworks. The JS library contains 198k stars and 41k forks.

In terms of Performance

How does Bootstrap stand out in terms of Performance?

Bootstrap is best known for its ease of developing web applications in a shorter time. But when it comes to performance, we need to pay attention. Because comparatively, the performance of Bootstrap is slower due to its vast library and unwanted resources. But the fact is, it offers extensive customization features, which increase the app’s performance despite being heavy.

To enhance its performance, you can have more customization, lesser CSS and Javascript codes, CDN, image compressions, and other developers can use to build cool bootstrap websites.

How does React JS stand out in terms of Performance?

React JS offers fast and seamless performance with its reusable code structure, component-based architecture, and DOM manipulation. Thus, it delivers fast and smooth performance. The best thing is, that React js eliminates the need for reloading web pages while updating the data.

Moreover, you can even use the minimal approach to build the React applications by having some programming practices at hand. For instance, DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles allow the developers to make minimal mistakes and enhance team productivity.

In terms of Scalablity

Is Bootstrap Scalable?

Bootstrap is a mobile-first development framework, you can create scalable websites and web applications with it. Through Bootstrap, responsive websites can be scaled up or down on the basis of various browsers, applications, and screens they are using. This framework eliminates cross-browser bugs and compatibility issues due to its single universal codes and makes itself the perfect choice among various developers.

Is React JS Scalable?

Since React js is made up of pure Javascript. Undoubtedly it is the ultimate library for building scalable applications, thanks to its reusable components and virtual DOM. However, developers can rely on the traditional way to organize code and make the project more scalable.

In terms of Architecture

What Kind of Architecture does Bootstrap Support?

Bootstrap follows View-View-Controller Architecture, it uses two components, the logic layer, and the view layer. The View layer focuses on the visual displays, while View-controller focuses on the behavior of visual components within the framework. The six layers of the View model while the twelve components of the logic layer provide unique functionalities to the visual aids.

What Kind of Architecture does React JS Support?

Like other libraries and frameworks, React js does not support any built-in architecture or pattern. It majorly focuses on the view layer of an application. In React, components work as a function, which renders the user interfaces when the data changes.

This is the constant interaction between the React state applications and the user’s components, which builds up the entire internal architecture of React JS. When you want to build applications with limited functionalities and scope, then the state of React is best. But for building real-time applications, React js is dependent on external libraries like Redux, Flux, etc.

In terms of User Experience

Does Bootstrap stand best in User Experience?

While talking about user experience in Bootstrap, is phenomenal. The drop-down menus, plugins, buttons, Bootstrap admin templates, themes, sliders, and other extraordinary elements provide seamless user experiences in Bootstrap. The best part is, all these things remain consistent throughout the web app.

Does React JS stand best in User Experience?

React has UI elements such as buttons, text boxes, forms, etc. That’s why, it offers a rich, smooth, and web-built user interface Due to the frequent updations, the library keeps improving, and thus it offers good user experiences.

In terms of Learning Curve

What is the Learning Curve of Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a developer-friendly framework. It has a little learning curve, with the knowledge of HTML and CSS, one can easily start with Bootstrap. But knowing CSS classes and components are essential to make the task easy. Although it utilizes an entirely different approach, to make mobile-centric applications, developers might have to learn the new approach.

Bootstrap has extensive documentation, which allows quick and easy development of web applications without the knowledge of code, but customization might require the knowledge of HTML and CSS. It has a vast community, which means there is a huge number of learning guides, to begin with.

What is the Learning Curve of React JS?

ReactJS has a shorter learning curve, and it is easy to learn for those who have knowledge of Javascript. Experienced developers can learn it in very little time because of having a thorough understanding of API and data-flow structures. If you are working in a team, any beginner or experienced developers can join the team. If any developers leave the team, there are plenty of resources available in the market.

In terms of Security

How security is handled in Bootstrap?

There are no such frameworks, which has security vulnerabilities and Bootstrap is on the list that is prone to threats. The attribute of the data target makes it particularly vulnerable to XSS attacks and developers have reported this over various updated versions. Most of the vulnerability threats are possible in the tool-tip or pop-over data template attribute, tool-tip data viewport attribute as well as data container property of the tooltip.

But no worries, there are various ways available to overcome this threat. Developers can choose to implement a new JS sanitizer to allow white-listed HTML elements in the data attribute. The other way consists of auditing security workflows, ensuring they are up to date, and using content security policies.

How security is handled in React JS?

React applications have more security vulnerabilities because they are more prone to threats such as XSS vulnerabilities, SQL injections, and more. It is dependent on your developer to implement best security practices to protect the application against various attacks. Therefore, React is best to learn, but to prevent security threats, you might need to get developers with considerable experience.

Bootstrap vs React – When to Choose?

Choose Bootstrap, if

  • You want to create responsive mobile-first applications
  • You have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and want to learn a new framework
  • You want to benefit from pre-styling components
  • You need Consistent and compatible designs that run over multiple platforms and devices
  • You want to Have to get customization and integration opportunities

Choose React JS if

  • You are looking for strong server-side rendering within your applications
  • You are looking for a framework with components
  • You need a declarative framework with built-in debugging features
  • You require more reusability options for your code
  • You are looking for a framework, which eliminates the need of updating data in the real structure

Bootstrap vs React – Developers’ Availability

How Convenient is it to hire Bootstrap Developer?

Bootstrap is one of the most popular frameworks, which many start-ups and companies utilize. If we consider its market share and popularity, hiring bootstrap developers is not much difficult. The cost of hiring a bootstrap developer ranges from $30-$40 per hour. The cost may differ if you hire an experienced developer

How Convenient is it to hire React JS Developer?

You can hire React.js developers easily because Javascript developers are more interested in developing web applications. The average cost of hiring React js developers could be $40 per hour, based on their skills, expertise, and locations prices may differ. Along with Reactjs, you can even easily hire Javascript developers at an affordable cost.

Bootstrap vs React – The Comparison Chart

Parameter Bootstrap React JS 
Architecture Bootstrap depends on VVC architecture, and plays the role of View component MVC design during web app development React does not have any specific architecture, but it depends on the components which are needed to build web app’s view within a click 
PerformanceDropdown menus, buttons, built-in templates, and sliders can create seamless and attractive user experiences React js offers smooth performance due to its component-based architecture and code reusability features
Security Bootstrap is vulnerable to XSS security threats. Therefore JS sanitizer and content security policies are required Similarly, React js is also vulnerable to SQL injections, and server-side attacks. Therefore various security policies should be taken to avoid these threats
User – Experience It has a single universal code and excellent grid system. Therefore, web applications built with Bootstrap can be easily scaledReact js provides rich user interfaces therefore data is easy to render and display
Scalability It has a single universal code and an excellent grid system. Therefore, web applications built with Bootstrap can be easily scaledReact js offers scalability with the help of reusable components and virtual DOM 
Popularity Bootstrap is more popular in terms of usage in the website category ReactJS has maintained it’s popularity over Bootstrap still now

The Conclusion

Both Bootstrap and React JS is the best competitors of each other when it comes to designing the best UI for web applications. Bootstrap is a template-based framework while React Js is a component-based framework. So we recommend you choose the one based on your business requirements and opportunities and moreover, both have the super ability to develop web applications.

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