5 Best Node JS Framework for Microservices

6 mins read
Feb 12th, 2024
Table of Contents

Earlier in the development field, Monothilic architecture was used, where the user interface and data access code were combined in a single file to carry out the entire task. It was self-contained and independent of other computing applications, However, this architecture required more effort and failed in solving changes in the system like, a small change in any particular component would have affected the entire system.

That’s why Microservices architecture was introduced to solve this problem. But still, Monothilic architecture is used in various applications as per the project requirements. Microservices build a small set of software components. If there is any fault in a single component, it won’t affect the entire system.

Node js frameworks are considered to be best compatible with microservices, that’s why today we will outline the concept of Microservices and look out for the best Node.js framework for microservices.

What is Microservice exactly? Why do we need it?

Microservices is an architectural pattern, which develops a set of components, having their own independent deployment services. It divides the applications into different sets of services. These services are consists of their own business logic and database with different goals, and each service can be updated, tested, and deployed.

Let us understand Microservice with a simple example

Just Imagine, that we are building an E-store, then we will require modules for cart, user, admin, order, and payment. Each of these modules will work on separate databases and servers. E-store microservices will communicate with them through the APIs framework. Each of these features is independent of the other so that we can easily identify to debug if any features develop faults.

Benefits of Microservices

Microservices can have different benefits in your business applications like

Faster Development

Microservices enable faster development of projects because developers focus on single services and their deployment, which leads the faster productivity.

Data security

As security is a major factor of concern in the software development field and that’s why microservices provide the developer with greater security of data protection. Communication occurs through APIs, which provides the development team with better security.

Increase Productivity

Microservices architecture breaks the application into smaller fragments thus making it easier to maintain and build the application, and can be managed independently. It enables you to use different programming languages in different segments as per their project needs. Therefore Hire Node.js Developers works on different fragments which increases production.

Increased Scalability

As different programming languages are used in different segments, so individual services can be scaled independently, and each service can be deployed separately on a server without changing the entire system.

Why choose Node JS for Microservices?

Various frameworks are available in the development ecosystem, to build microservices but among them, Node js frameworks are considered to be the best option for microservices because of their asynchronous nature and other things too. Node js plus microservice is the perfect match in the software development field. So today we will look at why it is considered and some list of Node.js frameworks for Microservices

Before proceeding ahead, let’s have a look at Node js.

Node js is an open-source, run-time environment of Javascript that is used to create server-side applications in JS. This run-time environment runs directly on a browser.

Node js is best for microservices, because of its asynchronous and single-threaded feature, It executes code using an event loop, and provides asynchronous functionality.

The event-driven architecture of Node js makes it perfectly suitable for microservices, Moreover, it offers fast scalability, speed, and easy maintenance

Key Benefits of Using Node js for Microservices

Node js offers multiple benefits, for building microservices, we will highlight some of it


Node js is asynchronous in nature, as it executes code by using an event loop and provides asynchronous functionality to run on the server using a non-blocking technique.

Rapidly scalable

The run-time environment is designed and developed on Javascript v8 engine, which provides rapid scalability, as well as the server, which can handle,10,000 requests at a time.

Event-driven architecture

Node js is based on event-driven architecture, which facilitates the construction of real-time software.

Easy Development

Microservices are easy to build using Node js, because of code redundancy, by using this technique microservices can be easily created with a few lines of code

5 Best Node JS Frameworks for Microservices

Node js is having multiple framework options for microservices, let us know 5 best Node.js frameworks for Microservices:

Express JS

Express.js is a famous open-source backend framework of Node js designed for building web applications and API. It is also called the defacto standard server framework for Nodejs.

It’s a fast and lightweight development framework and has the capabilities of creating robust API for mobile and web applications and gives excellent productivity. The asynchronous nature of Express js helps to handle thousands of requests at a time and it can be easily integrated with third-party apps.

Benefits of Express.js for Microservices

  • Provide high productivity
  • High performance
  • Quick server-side programming
  • Easy customization of application logic

Koa JS

Koajs is the latest framework developed by the Express js team. It is comparatively smaller, more expressive, and lighter than others. It is used to build robust mobile applications and APIs.

Callback issues were discovered while using Express.js, therefore it was addressed during Koa.js and it was resolved by having an async process by default. It was built on ES6, that’s why it is easy to develop mobile apps. Its in-built catch-all modules handle all the errors properly and make it more efficient for microservices.

Benefits of Koa js for Microservices

  • Proper Error – Handling
  • Avoid Call-back hell
  • Very good user experience
  • Readable async code

Meteor JS

Meteor.js is an open-source framework of Javascript, which is based on only one programming language and it is considered one of the best Node js microservices frameworks because of its efficiency.

It provides you with data management solutions throughout the client and servers by spontaneously changing the data. Therefore it is the best option for building efficient web and mobile applications. Additionally, it is best considered a real-time app.

Benefits of Meteor js for Microservices

  • It’s a full-stack solution
  • Builds efficient mobile and web apps
  • Easy Database integration
  • Live reload of pages

Nest JS

Nest.js is a progressive Node js framework, based on typescript and it is used to build server-side applications and is one of the versatile frameworks of Node js. Developers prefer Nest js to build microservices.

It has the ability to build cost-effective microservices and moreover, it is best suitable for enterprise-level applications and keeps proper documentation

Benefits of Nest js for Microservices

  • Offers high customization
  • Reliability
  • Modularization of binary code

Total JS

Total.js is one of the best Node js microservices frameworks and it is considered the complete framework. This framework helps to build applications at low maintenance costs. It alone offers a complete ecosystem for working with instead of combining a few tools and frameworks.

It provides a complete CMS(Content Management System ) experience and different versions like HelpDesk, CMS, and Eshop. It is mostly used for building cloud services and E-commerce platforms. Thus it is the perfect Node js microservices framework.

Benefits of Meteor js for Microservices

  • Best for real-time applications
  • Increases the speed of development
  • Available in different versions


So, these are the 5 best Node js frameworks, to build scalable and robust microservices. By the way, these are perfectly suitable for any kind of application but it’s better to go with project requirements, just have a complete talk with your development specialist and then finalize the framework as per your need.

If you are not getting any specialists or looking for Node js developers, then feel free to contact us, UPSQODE is a well-known IT company, consists of talented developers who can build real-time applications, websites as well as microservices. Because

“Choosing the right framework is the key foundation to grow your business”


What are Microservices?
Microservice is a kind of architectural pattern, which divides the services into smaller fragments and enables the developers to work independently on each. So that developers can apply their own logic and modify it without disturbing the entire system.

Can Node.js be used for microservices?
The answer is Yes, the event-driven architecture of Node js makes it perfectly suitable to build fast and highly scalable microservices.

Which framework is best for microservices?
There are multiple frameworks of Node JS that are perfect-match for microservices but look out for some of its lists

  • Express JS
  • Next JS
  • Meteor JS
  • Koe JS and many more

Which Node Js framework should I use?
Node js offers different frameworks, but you can use any as per your project structure. However Express js is the most popular framework of Node js, and developers are in love with it because of its extraordinary features so you can use it if you want to develop complex web applications.

What are microservices examples?
Some well-known examples of Microservices are:

  • Amazon
  • Netflix
  • Etsy
  • Uber
  • Flipkart

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