Express vs React : Which is best? An Outstanding Backend or JS Frontend

6 mins read
Apr 4th, 2024
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Days are gone, when Javascript was only used as a browser extension, now Javascript has completely grown with rich libraries and packages along with huge community support. Market reports state that Javascript is used on almost 68% of total websites.

The eco-system of Javascript is becoming impressed with the passing days because of its technologies and updates. It has not only challenged the programming languages but also given us flexible programming technologies having rich tools and libraries, and made coding easier and development faster.

Node.js, React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, Ember.js, and Express.js are some of the well-known givens of Javascript. But today we will be looking at the comparison between two of its outcomes React and Express, It might be unfair to compare these two because both of them belong to different categories i.e one for the backend and the other for the front end. But Still, we have found many users confused about which one is best between these two.

That’s why we have brought a detailed comparison between Express and React, and would help you to understand the best among them for your requirement

The eco-system of Javascript is vast and has given the opportunity to work with different frameworks. Among them, Express and React are two different technology belonging to the same ecosystem but enough powerful to build any kind of Web application.

So Let’s Explore them from different perspectives and find out best from React vs Express

What is Express?

Express.js is an open-source, backend framework of Node.js, written in Javascript. It was built for Node.js because Node.js failed to perform file serving, handling requests, and HTTP methods. It offers wide features of plugins, template codes, routing functionality, and middleware packages to build web and mobile applications efficiently. Besides, it also provides easy customization by integrating third-party libraries.

Features of Express.js

Fast Server Side Development

Node.js works faster than other coding languages and its features can save a lot of time.


Express offers proper debugging by exactly pointing out the issues

Availability of Plugins and Templates

It has plugins and templates facilities and enables you to create HTML templates on the server side


A request object can be processed multiple times by middleware before the server works on it and also allows you to create authentication and login functionality

Express vs React – What is React.js?

React.js is an open-source frontend of Javascript, used to build interactive user interfaces for mobile and web applications. It’s a benefit of reusable components that enhances the development process faster. Its virtual DOM manipulation keeps the components of React.js up to date.

Features of React.js

One-Way Data Binding

Its one-way data-binding feature lets the data flow in a single direction and makes it easy to debug complex apps.

Virtual DOM

On a single web page, the virtual DOM corresponds to how data can be accessed and manipulated which enhances the speed and makes it clear


While building any applications, React.js has the support of many extensions as per requirement.

On top of that, you should also note that React.js is considered one of the best frontend frameworks

Express vs React – Usecases

Use cases of Express.js

  • Single Page Applications
  • Multi-Page Applications
  • API’s
  • Enterprise Level Applications
  • E-commerce Applications
  • Hybrid Web Applications
  • Middleware Applications

Use cases of React.js

  • Mobile Applications
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Video Streaming Platforms (e.g Netflix)
  • Web Applications
  • Rich UI E-commerce Applications
  • Social Media Sites
  • Chat Application

Express vs React – Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Express.js

Rapid App Development

Being built on Javascript, it enables the developers to use JS on both the backend and front end, which leads one single person to manage both sides efficiently. Due to this development becomes faster and quick

Easy to Learn

Most Express.js developer tells it is easy to learn and if you are already skilled with JS then it’s a plus point to learn it. Moreover, it is not so tough for beginners too.

Handling I/O Requests

Express.js has the ability to handle a number of requests at a time, so it is best for a business that requires thousands of inputs per minute.

Middleware Services

The Middleware of Express.js can process the request thousands of times before the server starts and enables you to use middleware packages and components at your convenience.

Disadvantages of Express.js

Learning Middleware

Though Middleware is one of the benefits of Express.js it becomes a drawback for new middleware users because understanding and executing middleware functions can be tough for them.


The callback is the major issue that is caused while coding with nested callbacks, each callback takes the output of previous callbacks as an argument and disturbs the code structure which becomes hard to maintain

Advantages of React.js

Component Reusability

The component reusability has lesser the need of writing the code again and again because React.js separates the logic in a component and allows you to reuse it multiple times whenever needed, which saves a lot of development time.


React.js provides high performance because of its virtual DOM program and server-side rendering makes the complex apps run faster

Large Community

Since its release, React.js has built large community support, whether experienced or beginners, everybody loves to work with React.js because of its functionality of reusable components.

Rich User Interfaces

Good UI is the key to the success of an application, and that’s why React allows high-quality user interfaces which can level up your business with a classy look.

Read More – Advantages of React.js

Disadvantages of React.js

Focuses on UI Part

React.js only focuses on the UI part which is the view layer of an application, therefore in order to complete the full application you need to choose different technologies as well

JSX could be a barrier

JSX is the syntax extension that allows writing JS with HTML, somehow it has its own benefit. The development community has considered it as a barrier because of its complexity. It also becomes difficult for the new learners to understand JSX.

Frequent Updates

React.js frequently updates with its latest versions, which sometimes makes this JS library less conventional

Express vs React – In terms of Market Usage Statistics

What do the Market Statistics of Express.js say?

  • According to the Builtwith report, Express.js is the 10th most popular framework among Top 10k sites and the 12th most popular framework among Top 100k sites
  • WebTechSurvey says that currently there are 231,129 live websites using Express.js, and 25,603 websites have recently added Express.js to their sites.

What do the Market Statistics of React.js say?

  • According to Stackflow report, React.js stands 4th in the list of the most loved framework.
  • The framework has 200k stars on GitHub with the ongoing progressive community
  • Reports stats that, React has been used by 50% of the total developer community

Express vs React – In terms of Performance

How Express.js is different in Performance terms?

While developing an application, the owner’s first question is how much time is needed to build. so time is the crucial point to consider and this is where Express.js wins because it reduces the coding time by half and still builds efficient web apps. It offers fast rendering because features of Node.js in various function forms, which are read-to-use anytime, anywhere when needed, which saves the time of writing the code. So Express.js apps can be built in less time.

How React.js is different in Performance terms?

React.js component-based architecture helps the developer to build robust apps and its rich UI feature lets the developer to build an attractive user interface that can level up the business in a short time. The Dom feature reduces the speed of page loading and provides a seamless user experience and its one-way data binding makes the complex apps easy to debug.


So, the comparison between React and Express is quite clear, as both are the members of Javascript family, they are easy to learn with basic knowledge of JS. Both technologies belong to different categories, that’s why they have their own benefits in their field. Express.js helps you to build a fantastic backend while React.js lets you to build a rich user interface. Therefore Fusion of both technology in an application can create a magical impact.

While hiring React.js Developers or Express.js developers, make sure about their expertise and experience because an expert can give you the best suggestion and have a detailed discussion about your project.

Which is better React.js or Express?

Both frameworks (React and Express) are built using Javascript and used for different purposes, one for the backend and the other for the front end. React.js is considered because of its features like Virtual DOM, and Performance while Express.js is considered for its inherent features of Node.js and faster server-side rendering.

Is Express.js same as React?

No, Both are not the same because they both belong to different categories like Express.js is microframeworks i.e for backend and React.js is the UI library, used for frontend

Is React well with Express?
The answer is definitely yes, React is excellent with Express, because of its easy-to-code writing and management, and comparatively, its code size is small, complex logic applications can be managed quickly.

Is node or React better?
Because of the JSX – which is an HTML-like syntax and detailed documentation React is easy to learn and implement web applications, while Node.js is also good but it takes time to implement web applications and needs more effort.

Is Express JS frontend or backend?
Express.js is for backend, and it was built for Node.js but written in Javascript to implement web and mobile applications.

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